Google Ads Vs. Facebook Ads: Which Is Best For Your Business In Dubai?

Google Ads Vs. Facebook Ads: Which Is Best For Your Business In Dubai?

Google Ads Vs. Facebook Ads: Which Is Best For Your Business In Dubai?

Today, marketing isn’t complete without Google ads and Facebook ads. Businesses, big or small, are using these platforms to reach their audiences. While organic strategies can bring in some traffic, paid search ads, like Google and Facebook ads, can bring in even more qualified leads.

Google and Facebook ads are the top choices for paid marketing. Use them wisely, and you’ll see traffic, engagement, and conversions all at once. In Dubai’s rapidly growing digital world, it’s vital to choose the right platform for your ad campaigns.

You have the option to use Facebook paid ads, Google ads, or both together to maximize your advertising efforts.

If you’re not sure how Google Ads vs Facebook Ads work, we’ve created a detailed guide below to assist you in making the right choice.

But first, let’s define what they are.

What are Google ads?

Google ads are paid ads that target specific audiences. Advertisers bid on these ads to show them to people searching online. Advertisers are charged only when users click on these ads. Google PPC ads can appear on Google searches or other search engines.

Using the right keywords is essential for Google PPC ads. By using relevant keywords, you can attract people who are actively searching for products or services related to your business.

Agencies like The Creative Theory offer PPC services that can boost your business. With customized Google ad campaigns, you can expect to get a lot of traffic and potentially increase your sales.

What are Facebook Ads?

Facebook ads are shown on Facebook Messenger, News Feed, other apps, or websites owned by Meta. These ads are called ‘Paid Social’ because they target people who use social media.

Many people who shop online are interested in social media. So, it’s smart for businesses to use Facebook ads as their main way of advertising.

Facebook ads are flexible. Advertisers can use images, videos, slideshows, and more to make ads. This makes it easy for advertisers and people to connect.

Now that we understand what Google Ads and Facebook Ads are, let’s look at the main differences between them and decide which one is better for your business.

Differences between Google Ads & Facebook Ads

Digital marketers often face a dilemma: choosing between Google ads and Facebook ads. Both platforms are popular and offer great benefits. They work by paying to show your ads to people.

Google ads (AdWords) are paid ads shown on search engine results pages (SERPs) and other websites through Google’s Display Network. Advertisers pay to display their ads when people search on Google.

Facebook ads are paid social ads that target your desired audience. Facebook’s algorithm changes often, so it’s important for digital marketers to stay updated on new trends and strategies.

With new strategies, digital marketers can create more engaging Facebook ad campaigns that attract more people and drive more sales.

Facebook paid ads can reach a larger audience through ad campaigns instead of relying solely on organic reach. While both platforms are important for businesses in Dubai, there are factors to consider when choosing between them.

Google Ads vs. Facebook Ads: Which is Best For Your Business in Dubai?

Facebook Ads vs Google Ads are both powerful tools for businesses in Dubai. Google made about $54.48 billion from advertising in 2022, showing how much impact Google ads can have. On the other hand, Facebook can reach over 2 billion users through ads, as SocialPilot says.

These numbers show how important paid advertising is for businesses. But before you pick a platform, think about these things:

Your Budget: Decide how much you can spend before you start advertising. Google ads need the right keywords to work well, especially if you don’t have much money. Facebook ads can get more views and clicks with the same budget.

What People Want: Google ads show up when people search for something, so they’re good for quick answers. Facebook ads rely on people remembering them, so they’re better for making people know about your brand instead of selling stuff.

How Ads Look: Facebook lets you be creative with different kinds of ads, like pictures and videos, which can get more attention. Google ads have fewer choices for how they look.

When Should You Use Google Ads?

Google paid search ads show up when users type specific search queries. This is a great chance for you to use relevant keywords to make sure your ads appear at the top.

Using the right keywords can bring in people who are looking for products like yours. Google gets many search queries every day, so it’s smart to show your ads where people will see them.

Google PPC ads are very effective because they quickly show users the most relevant ads.

Key Considerations for Crafting a Facebook Ad

Good marketing needs good research. You can’t just guess when it comes to Google paid search ads. Research your target audience and competition to know what to do.

Here are some things to think about when choosing the right ad platform for your business in Dubai:


Set up your Google PPC ads based on where your target audience is. This way, your ad shows up for people near your business who can easily visit you.

Headline & Description

Your words will grab the attention of your target audience. Make sure you write a copy that is relevant to your ad and matches what the searcher is looking for.


Using the right keywords helps your ads appear on search results pages. Use your keywords smartly to attract your target audience.

Ad Extensions

Add extra information with ad extensions to engage users more and increase the chances of conversions.

Who Sees Your Ads: Google ads target people who are searching for something, while Facebook ads show up for lots of people based on what they like. Facebook keeps track of what people do and shows ads to the right people, which is helpful for businesses in Dubai.

Think about hiring a professional advertising agency in Dubai to make ads that work for your business.

When Should You Use Facebook Ads?

Facebook paid ads are different from Google ads because they target specific groups of people. These ads are shown to people who have already shown interest in your business, products, or services.

Because Facebook ads focus on a particular audience, they are effective in getting good results.

Factors to Consider When Creating a Facebook Ad

Before you create a Facebook ad campaign, think about these important factors:

Custom Audiences

Custom audiences can be created for your Facebook ads. This lets you target your existing customers or potential leads, helping you focus your efforts in the right direction.


Facebook ads let you target a specific gender. You can choose to target men or women based on what your products are.


You can target your Facebook ads based on interests like fashion, fitness, or technology. Track what your users like and do to understand their interests. This way, you can make your ads more relevant to them.

Final Word

Both Google and Facebook ads work well and can bring good results. Choosing the right one for your business in Dubai can help it grow and succeed.

We’ve listed the benefits and uses of both platforms above. Look at this information to decide which is best for your business. If you need help, The Creative theory is a great PPC advertising agency in Dubai. They can create a custom ad campaign for you.

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